Sunday, February 19, 2012

Some things are not enough..

                                 "Just" caring is not enough.
                                     You have to show it.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Life is like reading a book

 You can never know what`s gonna happen next,
    you can never know what`s gonna be your future.
 You will only understand everything after you read the whole book and go through it again,
   you can only connect the dots looking backwards. You can never connect them looking forward.

When you read a book, you don`t just stop reading because it was not the best part of the book.
  In our life, there will be that part, the part where we think we can`t hold on anymore, where we
  just want to give up, where we don`t know what to do, but you just have to trust in something,
  luck, guts, life, whatever. You just gotta keep going.

Don`t afraid that you`re just gonna fail. Everything in life is a risk. Every choice you make is a risk. So don`t be afraid, because if you just believe in yourself and make it happen, then you will succeed. Maybe not the 1st, or the 2nd, or the 200th time, but you will.