Sunday, December 29, 2013

13 Things I Learned in 2013

     It is that time again that we look back at the memories before the year ends. Did we change? Did we improve? Life's turning point happened? Realization? And of course, what did we learn this one whole year?

     For me, this year is probably the most intense year I've encountered so far. It was a blast. It was a roller-coaster ride. Most definitely because I moved back to Philippines and started college. Well, here are the things I've learned this year :

     1. College is easy.
            I said it. Maybe because I'm still a freshmen but still, it's a piece of cake. Lessons are easy, cheating is easy, making friends is easy, being friends with your professors is easy. Everything is easy. As long as you use your common sense, you'll pass. Common sense over knowledge, that's college. Oh, and it's easier if you live in a dorm!

      2. Filipinos are the best people to be friends with.
               Nothing else to say about this. That's just about it!

      3. Refrigerators are very important!
                I can live without a kitchen stove but not without a refrigerator! Milk, juice, yogurt, veggies, ice cream. I want them in my everyday life!

      4. True love exists.
                It's something you have to find out for yourself. It will be very unique and different from the others. You'll just feel it when it's real and be amazed of it.

       5. Money ruins relationships
                At least for me. Ask for my help, I'll help when I can. You gave me your word when you'll pay, pay at the exact time you said you will. nine out of ten, no one ever does that. I always approach first and all I hear are excuses. And you just ruined my trust for you.

        6. I will never ever gain weight
                 Proved it this year. It doesn't matter how much I eat, I WILL NEVER GET FATTER. Or maybe I'm doing it wrong....

         7. Whoever invented or started "Filipino Time" is stupid.
                  I just don't get it. We should meet so I could kill you, but of course you'd be late.

         8. Taking a bath in the morning and in the evening is a really good idea. Haha!

         9. I love Sisig
                  Why did I just met you now? You are one of the most beautiful thing I ever met<3

        10. Everyone is getting older
                   Kobe's getting injured now and then. My mom's face is aging. My elementary classmates are working now, some have children already. I'm turning twenty two next year!

        11. I will never get old!
                      Except for my age. But I will always have a childish heart, I will always love playing with kids, I will never get tired of pranks and making fun of people, and myself, I will always be that happy kid because he just got his tummy fed! My heart will forever be young.

          12. Beer pong is <3

          13. Having your room on a fourth floor building without an elevator is a really pain in the ass. Literally, a pain in the ass, when you really need to go to the bathroom!