Sunday, October 20, 2013

You're Powerful Than Your Emotions

"You can't always get the perfect moment. Sometimes, you just have to do the best you can under the circumstances."

 What if we apply scientific method to love?

Problem :
     How will you fight your emotions? How will you accept something that you don't wanna accept?

Hypothesis :

      Let go.

Experiment :

       Start thinking what's good for both of you.
       Stop forcing things to happen when it doesn't want to happen.
       Start accepting that not everything that seems meant to be... are meant to be.
       Stop yourself now before it gets worse.
       Stop thinking of the other person's feelings.
          If you can't do that, then help that person to make the feelings fade.
Analysis :

       If you succeed on doing all of these, then everything will be okay.

Conclusion :

       When you were a child you hated something, do you still hate it now? When you were a child you loved something, do you still love it now? You were forced to eat the most disgusting food for you, vegetables. And now you can't live without it. Sometimes in life, even if we don't want to, we need to. And if we force ourselves to do it, then maybe we'll get through it.

I JUST SOLVED LOVE USING SCIENTIFIC METHOD! Maybe this can be done. No, I know it can be done but a lot of heartache on both sides will be felt along the way. Is this really the right thing to do? Because sometimes, when you're trying to do the right thing, you're actually doing the opposite. We never really know until it's just a memory. And then it's either you'll regret it or be glad because you made the right choice.

It's really, really hard to fight something you don't wanna fight. But one thing I learned before is that you don't get to decide for other people's choices. And that could be one of the worst feeling ever.

I know this will be one of the hardest decision
you will ever have to make. For me, it will be, too.
I promised something and I don't like breaking my
promises, specially to you.
And I think I know exactly what to do.
If you can't fight, I'll fight for you.
If you're confused, I'll make it clear to you.
If you can't carry yourself, I'll carry you.
Until you're back on your feet again.
And I'll make sure that you will be.
Even if it hurts so much.
Even if it's harder than the first time I let you go
I will let you go, again. For the second and the last time.
If ever a third time comes, I will never ever let you go again.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Life Update

      It`s been quite a while since I last posted here! Actually, it`s been forever! September 2012 was the last time I posted here and a lot has happened since then...

         College. It`s been a roller coaster ride since I enter this college life. For so many years I have waited, I`m finally a college student in the country I wanted to live in. I was probably one of the happiest person when I found out that I`m officially a college student to this university I`m currently going in, Centro Escolar University (CEU). After four months of being here, being a college student, I could say that I spent it wisely. Maybe not on other things like going to every party there is, hanging out with old friends or going to different places, but on my college life, I was so active, so energetic and so focused that everything that happened so far was totally all worth it. Learned a lot of lessons, not only those things they teach in school but also about being independent, being more confident, friendship, love, and about who I am. I felt like I was in the right place and at the right time. I was on the right track of my life.  And all the sacrifices and the hard work was definitely worth it.

          Friendship. One thing I was so worried was this, having friends. I`m a really friendly guy but I don`t really get well along with others. Being away for seven years, my personality changed. I was used to what I was back in Japan. Where I could say that I have a lot of friends but I don`t really have one. It was really hard for me being comfortable with someone, even my own friends. But when I get here, when I enter college, everything changed again. It felt like I was normal again. It felt so good when I found my circle of friends. Yeah, most of them are a little younger than me. Yeah, some of them are still a bit immature but I found myself comfortable with them and that`s all that matters to me. Maybe it`s only been four months but being with them almost everyday, I knew they are the one I was looking for for a long time. So I didn`t waste any time to get to know them, to be part of them, yes, maybe sometimes I tried too hard and tried to fit in because sometimes I can still feel the loneliness I felt before. But even when I don`t, everything comes naturally and I`m really glad they are the ones I met. We`re still getting to know each other. And I know this is not a short term thing, this is a long process that takes trust, courage, understanding and faith. The first semester of this year is almost over. Some will be separated, some will have to go, but one thing I`m sure of is what I felt when I`m with them will never change and will always be a part of me, of who I became.

           Love. Before I come back here in the Philippines, I promised myself that I won`t be entering any kind of relationship until I`m ready again or until I want to be in it again. But not so long after I got here, my future was almost changed. Maybe I wasn`t really in a relationship but we still had something between us. I just broke the promise I made to myself. But I don`t regret it. I don`t regret what happened, what I did or what I was involved with. Again, it taught me a great lesson. And the memories will be treasured forever. Then not so long after that, actually while in it, I fell in love with this one girl. I knew myself that she would be perfect for me and I would be perfect for her. I let it go because I know it wasn`t right and that I`m not sure of anything yet. One thing I was sure was that I like her and I`m falling for her. I found some good enough reasons that I should go for it and I did. And it was a total mess. I was a mess. Everything was good in my head but when I actually do it, it was more difficult and more complicated than I expected. Maybe the time isn`t right yet, maybe it`s her, maybe it`s me, maybe it`s what surrounds us, or maybe we`re just not really meant to be in that kind of relationship. What we are now and what we have now is one thing I will always appreciate and enjoy. But I will never lose hope until my heart gives up on her.

           I made mistakes, took risks, learned lessons, achieved things, gained friends, gained confidence, hurt someone, experienced new things and learned more about myself. I don`t believe that everything happens for a reason. I believe that what you reap is what you sow. Problems come and go, people come and go, things come and go. But when you have a positive outlook in life, nothing or no one can ever bring you down.