Friday, September 7, 2012

20 Day Challenge : Day 2 - 19 quotes you love

1. If you don`t do anything stupid while you`re young, you won`t have anything to laugh about when you`re old.

2. You`ve got to find what you love.

3. You`ll never know until you try.

4. Practice makes perfect.

5. Willing is not enough, we must apply.

6. Actions always cures fear.

7. Change your thoughts and you change your world.

8. You have no one to depend on but yourself.

9. It`s never too late.

10. All the effort you are making will ultimately pay off.

11. Take a risk.

12. Take chances.. a lot of them.

13. Be yourself, everyone else is already taken.

14. If opportunity doesn`t knock, build a door.

15. Make every moment count.

16 If you never step forward, you`re always in the same place.

17. Success is failure trying one more time.

18. Don`t be scared because you can`t do it. Be scared because you didn`t try.

19. Nothing can stop you but your own will.

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