Thursday, July 28, 2011

Everything gets easier.......

                                                   ......over time.

But only if you put effort into it.

It could be as natural as walking.

It could be your second nature.

It could be part of you, on your everyday life.

But you have to put effort into it.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

How to be yourself again

Are you that person who`s changed a lot? That sometimes you don`t even know who you are at all? That you wish you were a little kid again because you didn`t care about what others tell you? That you act different when with someone? And because of that you`re worried that you will not find real friends or the right one?

Well, let me tell you something, IT`S NORMAL. Yup, you read it right. It`s normal. I know because I`ve experienced it myself. It lasted for a few years. And I thought I will never be myself again. Until I let go of the past, when I said past I meant past friends, past relationships, PAST LIFE. And I took risks to open up, to experience new things. I met a few new people, and they`re better than those I left in my past. Why is that? Because those people in my past are not choices. It was more of a MUST than a CHOICE. It was like, I needed to be friends with these people. But these new people, I chose to be friends with them. And with these people, I feel comfortable. I feel like I`m myself again.

So, if you think that you`re not yourself, don`t worry, you`re not doing anything wrong. You`re just with the wrong people or place. You just need to find the right people to hang out with, and the right place to do it. To be able to do that you have to let go of your past. You have to let go of those people who you thought you needed. And it`s not supposed to be hard (maybe to some, but it shouldn`t be that hard to let go of them). Then enjoy yourself, be yourself, do what you love and eventually someone will come to play, and from there, it`s up to you if you want them to be your friend. The most important thing is you`re happy and having fun. And you will know it`s you again. You`re back! Now go out there, take a risk, and experience new things!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Day 22 - How have you changed in the past 2 years?

I changed a lot and didn`t change at all. I learned a lot about life, love in the past 2 years. But I haven`t used what I learned. So I guess I didn`t really change at all. Except that, I`m still me. Even my height and weight haven`t changed in the past 2 years. :| If I ever change, it`s because it`s for the better. Changing is good. But, just like anything, not always!

What`s your purpose in life?

I`ve thought about this for at least 10 times these past few years. The other day, I was just searching about selfishness and how it is a good thing. Then suddenly, I came to realize my purpose in this world. It`s to make myself a satisfied, happy man. Some say being happy is easy if you would just think and believe that you are happy(falls on the believing category), some say it`s hard. Everyone dream of it. For me, I tried the power of belief, and yes, it works. But, it doesn`t work 100%. By that, I mean, it doesn`t last long. And sometimes, I feel like I`m just lying to myself, but then that`s not believing. So anyways, happiness is a result from something you do or did. And if my purpose is to make myself happy, then doing the things I love, things that makes me happy is what I should do... forever. Now that I know my purpose, it`s time to fulfill it. This could be everyone`s real purpose in life, you just haven`t realized it yet.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Day 21 - One of your favorite shows.

HEROES! One of the best shows out there! I hope they continue airing it though :(

Feeling like giving up?

I met this girl lately. And I kinda like her. We`ve only hanged out 3 times. The first two went pretty well. The third time, which was yesterday, didn`t really went well. I think I blew it. I thought to myself, I`ll never be good with girls. Ever. What will happen next time we hang out? I thought I should just give up. There`s my whole day today, thinking about giving her up. Then I found this quote and it made me realize that there will always be more girls out there for me to try but giving up is just unacceptable. And that messing up is part of learning. So why would I just give her up when I just messed up once? This quote made me realize that there`s so many things to do in this world, too. And messing up with something/someone shouldn`t stop you from enjoying, living your life, pursuing your dream. And that you shouldn`t give up even though everything in you is telling you to give up. Here`s the quote:
"God put me on this earth to accomplish a certain number of things. Right now I'm so far behind that I will never die."

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Day 20 - How important you think education is?

`Cuz me think was kyute. :)

So, how important do I think education is? I think education is VERY important. BUT, school is not. I think school ruins education. Why? Because the things you study in school doesn`t really help you when you grow older. The only important thing about school is making friends, communications, which you do even without going to school. School should be over after you learn how the basic manners, how to be polite, how to read and to write. I think that whether you go to school or not, you will know what you want to be when you grow up. And to pursue that, your dream, start studying about it. Because if you`re gonna be a doctor, you won`t need to learn the answer to this question:  f(x)= xy+y/27. Actually, in reality, right now, this kind of unneeded questions can ruin your future, your dream. If you fail a class, you won`t graduate. If you can`t graduate, you can`t go to college. If you don`t have a college degree, you will never get your dream job unless you`re very very rich. Plus, it`s really hard to find a job without a college degree. Unless you want to work at Mcdonald`s , which you don`t. School is important at first. To learn the basics. Then you`re on your own. That`s where the real education starts. Education on life, relationships, family, yourself, God, on everything. Life is about learning and experiencing. And that`s education. 

Friday, July 1, 2011

Commitments to yourself are good

           Starting July 1, 2011:
           Parkour everyday? Fuck yeah!
           For at least an hour? Fuck yeah!
           No excuses? FUCK YEAH!
           Is weather gonna be a problem? Fuck no!
           School, work then train? Fuck yeah!
           You sure? FUCK YEAH!
           Even at 11pm? FUCKING YEAH!
           Who can stop you? NO FUCKING ONE!
           Who`s the beast? I AM.