Saturday, August 27, 2011

           "The most precious possession that ever comes to
           a man in this world is a woman's heart." - I currently
             have that most precious possession.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

God Will give you things you CAN`T handle!

Last night, I seriously asked for God`s help on that one thing I don`t have control over and really needed help. Today, about 4 hours ago, everything just changed. God didn`t do everything for me, but He gave me options I didn`t have yesterday. I feel so much relief right now. Now, I just have to choose the right decision. Could be a coincidence or whatever, OR could be God trying to help.

About two months ago, I decided that I will not ask God for anything, instead I will only thank Him for everything. Before that, everytime I pray, I ask for God`s forgiveness, and a lot of other things. None of them were granted/given but one. Then another one just today. What I realized is, God will only help you on things you don`t have control over. God will not help you if He/you know that you can do something about it. And even if he helps, he will not do everything for you. HE WILL JUST HELP. You are still the one who`ll decide.

Moral of the story: God WILL give you things you CAN`T handle. You just have to ask for His help when that happens. And He will ONLY help if YOU`VE DONE YOUR PART and still struggling.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Happiness and/vs. You

You can't eat happiness. You can't buy it. You can't wear it. You can't drive it, or drink it, or sell it, or steal it. You can't lock it away. You can't negotiate for it. You can't win it, you can't marry it, you can't inherit it, and you can't cheat it. You can't smoke it, or inject it, or rent it or borrow it. You can't campaign for it or beg for it, or talk other people into giving you theirs.

You can live happiness. You can create it. You can be it. You can give it to others. You can enjoy it. You can share it. You can claim it. You can have as much as you wish. You can enjoy it as much as you want, at any time, under any circumstance. You can work with it, play with it, worship, travel, eat, and sleep with it.
Happiness is yours to live and yours to give, if only you will. It comes from the inside, and the best way to experience it is to get it flowing out. Forget about trying and striving to get happy. Just decide to be happy, and happiness is yours.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Be Your Life

Which are you?

      Life is my teacher?


      Life is my student?

               Do you control your life?

                    Life controls you?

Hold the world in your hands. Start looking things from
                          different perspective.

Different thinking

I love obstacles. Mistakes? Injuries? They`re my teacher.
Loneliness + music = my motivation.
My achievements are my inspirations.
My fear makes me stronger.
Parkour is my life. Parkour for life.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Keep moving forward

Happiness is what everyone wants. What everyone is looking for. In order to be happy, you have to, well, keep moving forward. It doesn`t matter what it is about, whether it`s about love, family, friends, or yourself, you have to keep moving forward to find happiness.

You should always be ready to lose everything. Even the love of your life. To be able to do that, first, you have to give your best. I`m not gonna say not to have regrets, but always do things you think is right and that will make you happy. And whenever someone you love left or betrayed you, ask them why. And when you know that it`s impossible to get them back, give them up. Move forward. That`s the only way for you to be free. Forget them and learn from them. Don`t make things complicated for you. You`ll just get hurt. They left/betrayed you because they don`t feel the same thing you feel for them anymore. But what about chances? Yeah, chances. Chances are unlimited. But when you don`t approve it, they don`t get one. It`s still up to you. But always remember, YOU DON`T NEED ANYONE TO BE HAPPY. ALL YOU NEED IS YOURSELF. YOU ARE MEANT FOR YOURSELF. AND YOU ARE THE ONLY ONE WHO CAN MAKE YOU HAPPY.OTHER PEOPLE ARE JUST BONUSES.

You should learn how to forget and learn. Fast. If you`re sad, be sad, if you wanna cry, cry, if you feel lonely, be lonely. BUT a day or two is enough for that. Even when someone you love died, a couple of days is enough to get back to your life and KEEP MOVING FORWARD. Because whatever you do, they will never come back to life. Ever.


Monday, August 8, 2011

Live and Learn

Today, while at work, I realized/learned a couple of things. It came up on my mind while I was working alone and when people are around.

First thing,  I`ve talked about "things get easy over time" and "practice makes perfect", and today, I just experienced it. The other day was my first day of work. And I thought to myself, "OMG I can`t do this anymore, it`s too tiring. My fingers hurt so much!." Today, I thought it`s gonna be the same, but guess what? This is only the my third day and I think I`m already used to it. I didn`t say I didn`t get tired, but it wasn`t as bad as I thought. My point is, if you keep on doing something, you`ll get used to it.

Second thing, Love and hot girls are just different. I realized that even if you`re seeing someone, when you see hot girls, you just can`t stop staring at them. And maybe get a boner! LOL I don`t think it`s cheating. I think it`s normal for us, boys. It`s like `I know I love this girl, but this other girl is just so hot that I can`t stop staring at her.` Anyways...

Third thing, I realized that I`d rather smell my own fart than Brazilians perfume. That`s when I was having a headache because of the smell of my brazilian co-worker and I farted. Well it`s not like a loud fart. Didn`t make sound, actually. LOL But, yeah. Whew.

Last thing, there`s this my other co-worker who has a 3 year old daughter and brings her at work. So, she kept crying and crying until her mom will do what she wants, which is to go outside. Then when they got back in, she`ll cry again. And it continued for a good 3 hours. I learned that when a baby cry, and you made her stop once but cried again, you should let him/her cry until she gets tired. It`s not being mean. It`s not spoiling the kid. If you spoil the kid by doing what they want just for them to stop crying, then they will cry, or pretend to cry whenever they want something. And it`s not a good thing. I love kids and I don`t want them to see crying. But I don`t want to spoil them, either.

So, yeah. Things I learned today. Not much but probably important. Maybe. :O

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

How to get people to like you

It`s funny how people will like you for who you are and not for who you are not. Sounds obvious. Because it is. At least from my experience. I have this friend that I kept impressing until I felt that she`s staying away from me. Then over time, I got over this friend and we start to hang out again. This time, I was totally different, I was myself. And I was shocked with the results, that friend now likes me, respects me, wants to hang out more with me. It`s really funny how we make things so hard just to get/impress someone, but the truth is, they don`t like that kind of you, they will like the real you.

People will like you for who you are. Being yourself might be hard. But if you practice it, it will get easier over time. And it`s far more better than trying to be someone else. Maybe if you try to impress someone, they`ll be impressed, but after a while, you will find it hard to be comfortable with them, because YOU ARE NOT YOURSELF from the very beginning. It`ll be easier for you to find out that they don`t like you at all than find out that they liked you (the different you) then when they found out the real you, boom. They just wanna stay away from you.So just be yourself. If they like you, then good. If not, then still good. You don`t need them in your life. Always remember that.