Monday, August 8, 2011

Live and Learn

Today, while at work, I realized/learned a couple of things. It came up on my mind while I was working alone and when people are around.

First thing,  I`ve talked about "things get easy over time" and "practice makes perfect", and today, I just experienced it. The other day was my first day of work. And I thought to myself, "OMG I can`t do this anymore, it`s too tiring. My fingers hurt so much!." Today, I thought it`s gonna be the same, but guess what? This is only the my third day and I think I`m already used to it. I didn`t say I didn`t get tired, but it wasn`t as bad as I thought. My point is, if you keep on doing something, you`ll get used to it.

Second thing, Love and hot girls are just different. I realized that even if you`re seeing someone, when you see hot girls, you just can`t stop staring at them. And maybe get a boner! LOL I don`t think it`s cheating. I think it`s normal for us, boys. It`s like `I know I love this girl, but this other girl is just so hot that I can`t stop staring at her.` Anyways...

Third thing, I realized that I`d rather smell my own fart than Brazilians perfume. That`s when I was having a headache because of the smell of my brazilian co-worker and I farted. Well it`s not like a loud fart. Didn`t make sound, actually. LOL But, yeah. Whew.

Last thing, there`s this my other co-worker who has a 3 year old daughter and brings her at work. So, she kept crying and crying until her mom will do what she wants, which is to go outside. Then when they got back in, she`ll cry again. And it continued for a good 3 hours. I learned that when a baby cry, and you made her stop once but cried again, you should let him/her cry until she gets tired. It`s not being mean. It`s not spoiling the kid. If you spoil the kid by doing what they want just for them to stop crying, then they will cry, or pretend to cry whenever they want something. And it`s not a good thing. I love kids and I don`t want them to see crying. But I don`t want to spoil them, either.

So, yeah. Things I learned today. Not much but probably important. Maybe. :O

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