Tuesday, May 31, 2011

What helps me from overcoming fear

Think about this two great quotes that could help you from your deepest fear to your simplest doubt everyday.

                 "Feel as if the world is in your hands."

                                                         "Seize the day."

It will make huge impact on your life. BUT, only if you believe it will. Only if you believe you can. So it could either help you from your fears or it could be just something someone said that has no meaning for you at all. Make a choice. Choose what you think is necessary.

Day 14 - Your earliest memory.

I don`t remember most of my childhood days! It sucks. Not even my birthdays. My earliest memory would be when I think I was kindergarten, maybe 7 or 8 years old? Not even sure about that. My nanny would always bring me lunch to school. I`ll sit on that swing(bench type) with a couple of friends and we`ll eat together. I remember one time, I didn`t like the food so I made Coca-Cola as a "soup" to my rice. I thought it was funny. And that`s my earliest memory! I see pictures when I was two, three, four years old but I don`t remember any of them. Sucks!

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Day 12 - Bullet your whole day.

Because Day 11 challenge was fast, Imma do Day 12, too.

・ Woke up at 10:30
・Cleaned my room
・Went to a birthday party
・(I was gonna go and train during this time, but it didn`t happen!)
・Played billiard
・Went home
・Played CS:S! Oh, yeah.
  And yeah, that`s it.

But my normal day would be something like this:

・Stare at my crush
・Play CS:S
  Rinse and repeat. Everyday routine -- I hate them. The only fun part is staring at my crush, maybe some chitchatting, too. Though I need to talk more and entertain her, make her laugh and make her fall in love with me. Oh, yes. I`ll do my best next time! Good luck to me! Wait, I don`t believe in luck. I believe in myself, so I don`t need luck. I know I can. I believe I can. I can. Oh, I can. =D

Day 11 - Put your ipod on shuffle and write 10 songs that pop up.

Easy one. And it`s always on shuffle!

Hit the floor - Linkin Park
Wait for you - Elliot Yamin
Hollaback girl - Gwen Stefani
Forever ain`t enough - J Holiday
All star - Smash Mouth
Rollin` - Limp Bizkit
白い光 - C.B.A
Persuit of happiness - Kid Cudi
Lucky - Jason Mraz
Pop - N`sync

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Day 10 - Discuss your first love and first kiss.

I`m gonna have to skip this one. Because "it`s raining outside and I have to go." Or not :/

Let`s just talk how I want it to be. It`s really really simple.
I want to experience it with the girl I`m deeply in love with.
I don`t care where or when it will happen. Simple, right?
I`m talking about the kiss. Forget the first love,`cause
I`m not sure if I really had one or not.

More on believing

Today, I learned that the most important thing to know
in life is why life happens the way it happens. We, ourselves,
are the only one who have the power to control over our lives.
If we think/believe that our life sucks, then it will come true.
If we think/believe that we have a happy life, then we will have
a happy life. That simple.

     Life happens the way it happens because we choose it to be like that.

What`s limiting us from having the life we want is our BELIEF.
If you believe that a rabbit`s foot will bring you luck, then
you`re limiting yourself. That`s how life works. Many people
still don`t understand or believe that that`s how it works.
I`ve been trying to focus on my inner power, my thought.
I know this will take a while to understand. But as the quote
say, "Practice makes perfect." practice makes perfect!

                I would use that quote as an example. "Practice makes perfect.".
                I believe on that saying, therefore when I keep practicing and practicing,
                one day, I`m gonna perfect it. If you don`t believe that practice makes
                perfect, then you wouldn`t care practicing, and will probably believe
                that Michael Jordan, Bill Gates, etc are born with talent. And you must
                be born with talent to be like them. See the big difference there? You
                can be who you wanna be if you know how it works.

Another example. If you believe that having a rosary with you will
always keep you safe, THEN IT WILL KEEP YOU SAFE. But what if
you forgot to bring a rosary with you? Things will happen, you will get
robbed, you will be on an accident, etc. Why? Because you believed
that if you don`t have a rosary with you, you are not safe. Can you feel
the power of BELIEF? It will either free you from your fears\doubt or
imprison/limit you. It`s too powerful to stop. But you can control it. You
can make it your advantage on everything. But it will take practice. Everything
takes practice. Michael Jordan is not born to be good at basketball. Bill
Gates is not born to be good with computers. Surroundings may affect them,
but it`s all in their thoughts. MJ was once a beginner. Bill Gates probably didn`t
know how to start a computer the first time he used it.

           The only reason life didn`t worked out the way you wanted it to is so simple,
           Now don`t tell me that what if you believe that there will be $1M in your
           cabinet? Will there be? `Cause you believed?

                             What you`re trying to do there is testing the power of belief.
                             Which is not good. Because you`re looking for reasons why
                             believing won`t work. It simply means that you don`t
                            understand the power of belief. You either believe or you don`t.
I will tell you my personal experience on the power of belief.

When I had my first job(part-time job), I believed that I can do it.Guess what? My boss praised me everytime, and when the contract was over, he wants me to work for him and he`ll raise my salary. I was just only 14 back then, my dad works there, too. It was a construction job. My mom didn`t want
me to work there, because it was too dangerous and I`m too young to be working on that kind of job. But not for me. I didn`t believe that.
Since then, I believed that I`m good when it comes to work with payments\salaries. Even now. And so far, it hasn`t failed me yet.

Another one. I`ve always believe that I`m not good with girls. I have no luck on getting the girl I like. Guess what?! I`m 19 and still single. I haven`t had any relationships yet. And because of that, I accepted that I will never have luck on girls. I have reasons for that, too, or should I say, EXCUSES?

I didn`t know about the power of belief until last month or so. Now I know why this things happens.  What we think is what we`re gonna be. Change your thought, change your life. No one`s telling it`s gonna be a piece of cake. `Cause it`s not! But once we fully understand it, no one can ever stop us from achieving anything we want.

                           Are you ready to change your thought?

Friday, May 27, 2011

Day 09 - How you hope your future will be like.

As much as possible I`m trying not to worry about the future. I don`t even wanna think about it. I wanna focus on what I have right now. On what I can do, on what I can control. I don`t hope for what I want in the future. I create my future, therefore, I will be who I want to be and I will succeed on everything. BECAUSE I BELIEVE SO.

                             Let`s not hope, let`s make it happen. Believe in yourself, and
                                everything will be what you want it to be.
                                      Life is simple if you think it`s simple.
                                      Life is hard if you think it`s hard.
                                                                        Your choice.
                                            Because sometimes you just have
                                     to believe and give it a shot.

                              Then thank God for the opportunity.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Day 08 - A moment you felt the most satisfied with your life.

I was never really satisfied with my life. Even now. But the time I was most satisfied was probably 6 years ago. When I was 13 years old. It`s probably the most exciting moment of my life. Everything was going well and I don`t really have problems back then. Well, of course. I was just a kid. I`m kind of satisfied right now, too. Well, I`m trying! Good luck to me! And to all of us who`s not satisfied with life!

Friday, May 20, 2011

Power of Belief

If you`re one of the people who talks to God and asks for His help but nothing seems to change/happen, you`rea lacking of something. Maybe you believe in God, but you do believe in yourself? On what you`re capable of?

Do this task and the help you needed will come to you before you even know it.

   Think of the things you`re asking God for help, whether it be about money, relationships, your looks or personality, even the simplest thing you want God to help you with. For example, to be able to pass that math exam or to help you with your presentation tomorrow. And then you need to believe. All this things you asked help for, believe that you already received it, and it will not be long until you have it. If money isn`t coming your way, believe that it already has, if you like that girl, but you`re too shy to approach her, believe that she`s already yours, if you think you`re ugly or have a low self-esteem, tell yourself that you`re the most beautiful girl in the world and that you`re confident and believe it. If you`re worried about that math exam, believe that you`ve already passed it. And eventually, you will.

Everything you believe will come before you even know it. Once a girl founds out that she`s pregnant, she believes that one day, even after nine long months, that a baby will come. Now what she needs to do is to prepare for that day. To take care of her baby. That`s what exactly you need to do, too. You need to take action. If you believe that you`ve already received what you`re asking for, nothing can stop you from having it. A pregnant woman won`t allow any bad things happen to her baby. 

Now, next time you talk to God, don`t ask, instead thank Him as if He already gave you what you want and helped you with your problems. And it`s up to you if you`re gonna take action.

I`ve been reading a lot about the power of belief. It still confuses me and there`s some part of me that don`t believe in this. But right now, this is all I have. And I`m going to try different stuff to test this power of belief. The results are very satisfying. It will throw questions like this into your mind, Are you ready for the life you`ve always wanted? Are you?

The image above that says `click here for free quote`. Most of you probably clicked it. Why? Because it says that it will give you a free quote. You believed it. But what if it`s just an image, without the writings. Will you still click it? I doubt it. If I told you that there`s $100 bill taped to the bottom of your seat right now, would you look? Probably not unless I were Oprah Winfrey and you were sitting in my studio audience. Why didn`t you look? Maybe I broke into your house and did it like some sort of inverse burglar. Assuming your butt is still firmly attached to your chair, it`s because you didn`t believe me. But what if it were there? You`d never know. Like the fable of the Boy Who Cried Wolf, it doesn`t matter if somethings true if nobody believes it. Belief precipitates action. No belief equals no action regardless of truth.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

“faith [belief] by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead.” James 2:17
                                                    Believe. Act. Succeed.

Day 07 - Your zodiac sign and if you think it fits your personality

I`m a Taurus<3 And I never really read the horoscope section in the newspaper. But what I think is that I create my own personality. And our surroundings affects and influences it. But still, no matter how big their influences are, I still have the switch to whether I`ll let myself be influenced by them or not. And no, I don`t let my surroundings affect or influence me as much as possible. I will be who I want to be. Always.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Day 06 - Write 30 interesting facts about yourself.

1. I can speak 3 languages
2. This year will be my 6th year in high school.
3. I`m half Filipino and half Korean, but we live in Japan.
4. I don`t drink beer.
5. I used to wear hats/caps everyday. I never leave the house without wearing one(except for school).
6. I`ve never had a real, serious relationship yet.
7. I listen to the same song almost everyday but I still can not remember the lyrics. I love music but I can not sing.
8. I spend 90% of the time in our house, playing CS:S.
9. I have 2 tattoos I made all by myself.
10. Of all the games I`ve played in Play Station, RE3 is the only one I finished.
11. When i was 13, I had my first kiss lol jk when i was 13, I found A LOT of money on the street and gave it to the guy closest to me, thinking it was his.
12. Me and 2 of my friends were almost got beaten up by 50+ iskwaterzz
13. I`ve been living here in Japan for almost 3 years and haven`t been to Tokyo Disney Land!
14. I used to shoplift. A lot.
15. I skipped school(grade 2 or 3) because i had to poop and I did not like our school`s toilet so I went home in a hurry, just to find out that no one was there and the door is locked. Not having a choice, I pooped outside. After cleaning, I did not know what to do with the poop until our dog starts licking it. Everything.
16. I`ve smoked legal weed.
17. I love cats
18. I blush a lot when I`m talking to the girl I really like.
19. I always want my room clean.
20. I`m a very talkative person. I won`t shut up. That is only if we`re close friends.
21. I believe in God.
22. I`m only 19 but I stopped growing 2 years ago! I`m 5`5
23. I love FML stories!
24. I love collecting stuffs. Things that you might think is a trash.
25. I care about what others think of me. A lot.
26. I just started to learn about the power of belief. And it`s kind of helping in some weird way.
27. I love food. And I really wanna learn how to cook.
28. I`ve thought about committing suicide before.
29. Movies influences my life!

I`ll leave number 30 for someone to tell something they know about me.

IF YOU HAVEN`T ALREADY, please take a lifetime to know about the "POWER OF BELIEF". It`s a must know for everyone. Specially for those who aren`t living the `life` they want.

"Whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours."

Life is precious. Handle with care.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Day 05 - A time you thought about ending your own life.

This topic excites me for some reason. Maybe because I wanna express it, I wanna tell it. There`s more than one time I thought about ending my life. MORE THAN ONE. But thanks to me I haven`t done it yet. And hopefully, never. I don`t really tell about it to anyone because when they ask what my problems are and I told them, I feel that they`re just gonna say that "it`s the stupidest problem ever". Or, "have you ever think about other people who have real problems?". So, I`d rather not tell it to anyone. Everyone is different, with different feelings, with different life. You can`t just understand a person by listening to what he/she`s saying. Understanding someone could be the most difficult thing to do. That`s why I love the quote, "No one can understand you but yourself." I think it`s true. Maybe they`ll try to understand you, be nice but the truth is, they really don`t. They just wanna comfort you, wanna help you and try to understand you but, it`s not that easy.

What stopped me from committing suicide was that I have a family who cares about me(even thought sometimes I think they don`t), and that this will not matter once I left this place, once I moved, that I`m worth living because I`m a fun, loving, caring guy, that after this suffering there will be an adventure for me. That`s what kept me from ending my life. I also know that if we end our life, everything will be at peace, but only for you. No more pain, no more sad life, no more arguing, no more being alone, no more being happy, you will feel nothing because you are nothing once you died. But the people you left will suffer. I also thought that if I died, no one will care but maybe I was wrong. I`m so glad I didn`t end my life. I`m sure that I will have this `end my life` moments in the future again, but I will fight it. And for that not to happen, I just gotta do what I love to do, have fun, be with the right people for me, and enjoy life. Sounds hard for me! But we`ll see.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Day 04 - Your views on religion

I`m a catholic. I guess that explains it all. I don`t really give a shit about religion. I know there is one God. And that is God! The one who created heaven and earth and everything, mostly. I don`t like arguing about religion, too. I think it`s stupid, simply because everyone is different and everyone has their own "god". For me, it`s God, the father of Jesus Christ. The one and only.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Day 03 - Your views on drugs and alcohol.

Seriously, I think they need to make alcohol illegal or at least put some limit on buying it. Drugs? It should be destroyed. That`s all I wanna say about those two. But weed? It`s a herb, not a drug. And it can do no harm on your health. I think they should legalize it. Smoking cigarettes is more dangerous than smoking a pot. It`s a fact. I think they made it illegal because people will all be lazy and don`t care about the world(as if it`s not happening right now). Say no to drugs. Say sometimes to alcohol. Say FUCK YES to weed.