Saturday, May 28, 2011

More on believing

Today, I learned that the most important thing to know
in life is why life happens the way it happens. We, ourselves,
are the only one who have the power to control over our lives.
If we think/believe that our life sucks, then it will come true.
If we think/believe that we have a happy life, then we will have
a happy life. That simple.

     Life happens the way it happens because we choose it to be like that.

What`s limiting us from having the life we want is our BELIEF.
If you believe that a rabbit`s foot will bring you luck, then
you`re limiting yourself. That`s how life works. Many people
still don`t understand or believe that that`s how it works.
I`ve been trying to focus on my inner power, my thought.
I know this will take a while to understand. But as the quote
say, "Practice makes perfect." practice makes perfect!

                I would use that quote as an example. "Practice makes perfect.".
                I believe on that saying, therefore when I keep practicing and practicing,
                one day, I`m gonna perfect it. If you don`t believe that practice makes
                perfect, then you wouldn`t care practicing, and will probably believe
                that Michael Jordan, Bill Gates, etc are born with talent. And you must
                be born with talent to be like them. See the big difference there? You
                can be who you wanna be if you know how it works.

Another example. If you believe that having a rosary with you will
always keep you safe, THEN IT WILL KEEP YOU SAFE. But what if
you forgot to bring a rosary with you? Things will happen, you will get
robbed, you will be on an accident, etc. Why? Because you believed
that if you don`t have a rosary with you, you are not safe. Can you feel
the power of BELIEF? It will either free you from your fears\doubt or
imprison/limit you. It`s too powerful to stop. But you can control it. You
can make it your advantage on everything. But it will take practice. Everything
takes practice. Michael Jordan is not born to be good at basketball. Bill
Gates is not born to be good with computers. Surroundings may affect them,
but it`s all in their thoughts. MJ was once a beginner. Bill Gates probably didn`t
know how to start a computer the first time he used it.

           The only reason life didn`t worked out the way you wanted it to is so simple,
           Now don`t tell me that what if you believe that there will be $1M in your
           cabinet? Will there be? `Cause you believed?

                             What you`re trying to do there is testing the power of belief.
                             Which is not good. Because you`re looking for reasons why
                             believing won`t work. It simply means that you don`t
                            understand the power of belief. You either believe or you don`t.
I will tell you my personal experience on the power of belief.

When I had my first job(part-time job), I believed that I can do it.Guess what? My boss praised me everytime, and when the contract was over, he wants me to work for him and he`ll raise my salary. I was just only 14 back then, my dad works there, too. It was a construction job. My mom didn`t want
me to work there, because it was too dangerous and I`m too young to be working on that kind of job. But not for me. I didn`t believe that.
Since then, I believed that I`m good when it comes to work with payments\salaries. Even now. And so far, it hasn`t failed me yet.

Another one. I`ve always believe that I`m not good with girls. I have no luck on getting the girl I like. Guess what?! I`m 19 and still single. I haven`t had any relationships yet. And because of that, I accepted that I will never have luck on girls. I have reasons for that, too, or should I say, EXCUSES?

I didn`t know about the power of belief until last month or so. Now I know why this things happens.  What we think is what we`re gonna be. Change your thought, change your life. No one`s telling it`s gonna be a piece of cake. `Cause it`s not! But once we fully understand it, no one can ever stop us from achieving anything we want.

                           Are you ready to change your thought?

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