Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Day 17 - Your highs and lows of this past year.

Most of my year last year was not good. I`d say 80% bad and 20% good. Lot of things happened. Not big things like someone died but, things that made me feel so lonely, sad and emotional. That was last year. This year, 2011, was a pretty good start. I promised myself that I will never be like that again, that I will change for the better. That I will be happy. And so far, it`s working. Learned a lot of things this year.

So to sum it up, 70% good and 30% bad. So far, I`m doing good this year. Had some downs lately but my ups are way higher than my downs.

Past is past. Learn from it. Start new. Start fresh. Live, laugh and love.

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