Wednesday, June 15, 2011

...there is no one alive who is youer than you

What a woman wants is somebody who listens to her, cares about her, goes out of his way to make her feel special. It's all about how the girl feels about HERSELF when she's around you.

They always have that "ideal" or "perfect" man that they want. But in reality, girls are simpler than we think. As long as you're not completely selfish/arrogant/needy/negative, a nice girl will be happy with a guy who provides a caring ear to listen and soft arms to snuggle with.

So go out there and get her. Talk to her. There is really no other way on getting the girl you like but to talk to her. Get to know her. Be nervous if you`re nervous. Be yourself, you`re unique. That`s what`s important and that`s what you should show to the world.

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