Monday, November 28, 2011

How will you ever know?


If you`re a family member, open up.
If you`re a friend, it`s up to you.
But if you`re a close friend, open up.
Best friend? Open up.
If you know the person well,
and the person knows you well,
open up.
If you`re in a relationship with me, open up.
Don`t keep it to yourself.
Just share it with someone.
Unless you do so, you won`t feel free.
You will never be yourself.
You will never be relaxed.
And live life with ease.
Maybe you`re scared they won`t understand.
Maybe you just don`t trust the person enough.
Maybe it`s better kept secret.
Maybe you`re scared it will ruin your relationship with the person.
Maybe, maybe, maybe.
How will you ever know?

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Where Are You?

In life, in this world, you can`t go back on your past,
and you can`t skip to the future either.
All you have is this moment. This very second.
It`s all what we have.
And there`s no need to rush.
There`s no rush to greatness.
Enjoy this very moment.
DON`T ask for what you don`t have.
ENJOY what you have.
You will never feel complete if you keep asking for something 
you don`t have.
And once you get that something,
You`ll ask for more.
Which goes on and on and on....

                                                 .....and enjoy it, appreciate it

Monday, November 21, 2011

Follow Your Heart

                  You will never know how
                  good (or bad) this egg will taste like
                                ...until you decide to crack its shell.

            Don`t be afraid to take risks in your life.
            Take chances, and opportunities as much as
                   you can.
            Make as many mistakes until you`re very sure
                  on what you really want in life.
            Have faith in yourself. Believe what you think
                 is right and follow them with your heart.

            You will never know what`s gonna happen,
            whether good or bad,
                                             ...until you decide to TRY.

 "Keep following your heart. It might not lead you to success but it will definitely lead you to happiness, where success doesn`t really matter."

Thursday, September 8, 2011

A love letter...

Love letters are dead? Not for me!
 My first time writing a love letter.
My first time making a heart-shaped paper.
My first time giving a love letter to someone.
Because I want to be the sweetest.
Because love letters will be there forever.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Too sweet, you`ll end up getting tired of each other. Too harsh/cold, you`ll end up hating each other. Love, Romance and Sex is what keeps the relationship alive, but to have those three in a relationship, BALANCE is the key.

Friday, September 2, 2011

How to have a healthy relationship and a happy life

This past few months, I`ve learn about people, love and relationships. Both by reading articles and experiencing. But what I realized is that it doesn`t only work on love and relationships but also in our lives. Yes, everyday lives. In everything. When I tell this to people, most of them say that being like this is not good. That it is evil.

If I told you right now that the answer to your life problems is to BE SELFISH, will you be selfish? I don`t think so. Why? Because the word "selfish" has put a different meaning to our minds. When you heard the word selfish, you think about not giving and not caring about other people but yourself. The true meaning of selfish is being yourself, being happy, being comfortable of who you are. It does not have anything to do about other people. It`s all about you. Therefore, it`s not bad, it`s not evil. Because other people doesn`t matter. When other people doesn`t matter, you can`t hurt them, you can`t care for them. It`s not that you don`t care, but you CAN`T care. Because they DON`T MATTER to you. Because you`re focused on YOURSELF only. YOU AND YOURSELF. Being selfish is good. Because you can be who you want to be, you can be happy.

In a relationship, being selfish is important, too. Because if you`re not selfish, you would be selfless. Selfless means caring about others before your own self. How can you care about other people if you don`t care about yourself? You can`t give something you don`t have. You can`t give happiness if you`re not happy. YOU CAN`T BE SELFLESS IF YOU`RE NOT SELFISH. And the most important part is, you can`t give your everything for the one you love. Unless you want to have a miserable life. If you gave everything for that one person, what would be left for you? NOTHING. I will repeat, YOU CAN`T GIVE SOMETHING YOU DON`T HAVE.

In a relationship, if you feel that you can`t live without your partner, then you have to stop right there! Because that`s where it all starts. Feelings. It ruins your life. You have to re-think about your relationship. When you feel that you can`t live without them, it means that your world revolves around them. It means you don`t have a life. Which means, your life is your PARTNER. They can`t be your life, no one can be your life. But you. You`re lacking your life, that`s why when they leave you(whether they don`t love you anymore or they past away), you have nothing left. You feel empty. Lonely.

This are probably my favorite quotes about relationships. Take a look and read it slowly and really think about what it`s trying to say.

"A relationship is about two people who maintain their own lives but create another one together."

"I pity the woman who truly believes I need her. I am a whole person, a complete individual on my own. I do not need a girl to "complete me". This does not mean I would not appreciate a nice fella`. It just means I am a human, capable of functioning with or without a woman by my side."

"A healthy relationship keeps the doors and windows open. Plenty of air is circulating and no one feels trapped. Relationships thrive in this environment. Keep your doors and windows open. If this person is meant to be in your life, all the open doors and windows in the world won`t make them leave."

Saturday, August 27, 2011

           "The most precious possession that ever comes to
           a man in this world is a woman's heart." - I currently
             have that most precious possession.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

God Will give you things you CAN`T handle!

Last night, I seriously asked for God`s help on that one thing I don`t have control over and really needed help. Today, about 4 hours ago, everything just changed. God didn`t do everything for me, but He gave me options I didn`t have yesterday. I feel so much relief right now. Now, I just have to choose the right decision. Could be a coincidence or whatever, OR could be God trying to help.

About two months ago, I decided that I will not ask God for anything, instead I will only thank Him for everything. Before that, everytime I pray, I ask for God`s forgiveness, and a lot of other things. None of them were granted/given but one. Then another one just today. What I realized is, God will only help you on things you don`t have control over. God will not help you if He/you know that you can do something about it. And even if he helps, he will not do everything for you. HE WILL JUST HELP. You are still the one who`ll decide.

Moral of the story: God WILL give you things you CAN`T handle. You just have to ask for His help when that happens. And He will ONLY help if YOU`VE DONE YOUR PART and still struggling.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Happiness and/vs. You

You can't eat happiness. You can't buy it. You can't wear it. You can't drive it, or drink it, or sell it, or steal it. You can't lock it away. You can't negotiate for it. You can't win it, you can't marry it, you can't inherit it, and you can't cheat it. You can't smoke it, or inject it, or rent it or borrow it. You can't campaign for it or beg for it, or talk other people into giving you theirs.

You can live happiness. You can create it. You can be it. You can give it to others. You can enjoy it. You can share it. You can claim it. You can have as much as you wish. You can enjoy it as much as you want, at any time, under any circumstance. You can work with it, play with it, worship, travel, eat, and sleep with it.
Happiness is yours to live and yours to give, if only you will. It comes from the inside, and the best way to experience it is to get it flowing out. Forget about trying and striving to get happy. Just decide to be happy, and happiness is yours.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Be Your Life

Which are you?

      Life is my teacher?


      Life is my student?

               Do you control your life?

                    Life controls you?

Hold the world in your hands. Start looking things from
                          different perspective.

Different thinking

I love obstacles. Mistakes? Injuries? They`re my teacher.
Loneliness + music = my motivation.
My achievements are my inspirations.
My fear makes me stronger.
Parkour is my life. Parkour for life.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Keep moving forward

Happiness is what everyone wants. What everyone is looking for. In order to be happy, you have to, well, keep moving forward. It doesn`t matter what it is about, whether it`s about love, family, friends, or yourself, you have to keep moving forward to find happiness.

You should always be ready to lose everything. Even the love of your life. To be able to do that, first, you have to give your best. I`m not gonna say not to have regrets, but always do things you think is right and that will make you happy. And whenever someone you love left or betrayed you, ask them why. And when you know that it`s impossible to get them back, give them up. Move forward. That`s the only way for you to be free. Forget them and learn from them. Don`t make things complicated for you. You`ll just get hurt. They left/betrayed you because they don`t feel the same thing you feel for them anymore. But what about chances? Yeah, chances. Chances are unlimited. But when you don`t approve it, they don`t get one. It`s still up to you. But always remember, YOU DON`T NEED ANYONE TO BE HAPPY. ALL YOU NEED IS YOURSELF. YOU ARE MEANT FOR YOURSELF. AND YOU ARE THE ONLY ONE WHO CAN MAKE YOU HAPPY.OTHER PEOPLE ARE JUST BONUSES.

You should learn how to forget and learn. Fast. If you`re sad, be sad, if you wanna cry, cry, if you feel lonely, be lonely. BUT a day or two is enough for that. Even when someone you love died, a couple of days is enough to get back to your life and KEEP MOVING FORWARD. Because whatever you do, they will never come back to life. Ever.


Monday, August 8, 2011

Live and Learn

Today, while at work, I realized/learned a couple of things. It came up on my mind while I was working alone and when people are around.

First thing,  I`ve talked about "things get easy over time" and "practice makes perfect", and today, I just experienced it. The other day was my first day of work. And I thought to myself, "OMG I can`t do this anymore, it`s too tiring. My fingers hurt so much!." Today, I thought it`s gonna be the same, but guess what? This is only the my third day and I think I`m already used to it. I didn`t say I didn`t get tired, but it wasn`t as bad as I thought. My point is, if you keep on doing something, you`ll get used to it.

Second thing, Love and hot girls are just different. I realized that even if you`re seeing someone, when you see hot girls, you just can`t stop staring at them. And maybe get a boner! LOL I don`t think it`s cheating. I think it`s normal for us, boys. It`s like `I know I love this girl, but this other girl is just so hot that I can`t stop staring at her.` Anyways...

Third thing, I realized that I`d rather smell my own fart than Brazilians perfume. That`s when I was having a headache because of the smell of my brazilian co-worker and I farted. Well it`s not like a loud fart. Didn`t make sound, actually. LOL But, yeah. Whew.

Last thing, there`s this my other co-worker who has a 3 year old daughter and brings her at work. So, she kept crying and crying until her mom will do what she wants, which is to go outside. Then when they got back in, she`ll cry again. And it continued for a good 3 hours. I learned that when a baby cry, and you made her stop once but cried again, you should let him/her cry until she gets tired. It`s not being mean. It`s not spoiling the kid. If you spoil the kid by doing what they want just for them to stop crying, then they will cry, or pretend to cry whenever they want something. And it`s not a good thing. I love kids and I don`t want them to see crying. But I don`t want to spoil them, either.

So, yeah. Things I learned today. Not much but probably important. Maybe. :O

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

How to get people to like you

It`s funny how people will like you for who you are and not for who you are not. Sounds obvious. Because it is. At least from my experience. I have this friend that I kept impressing until I felt that she`s staying away from me. Then over time, I got over this friend and we start to hang out again. This time, I was totally different, I was myself. And I was shocked with the results, that friend now likes me, respects me, wants to hang out more with me. It`s really funny how we make things so hard just to get/impress someone, but the truth is, they don`t like that kind of you, they will like the real you.

People will like you for who you are. Being yourself might be hard. But if you practice it, it will get easier over time. And it`s far more better than trying to be someone else. Maybe if you try to impress someone, they`ll be impressed, but after a while, you will find it hard to be comfortable with them, because YOU ARE NOT YOURSELF from the very beginning. It`ll be easier for you to find out that they don`t like you at all than find out that they liked you (the different you) then when they found out the real you, boom. They just wanna stay away from you.So just be yourself. If they like you, then good. If not, then still good. You don`t need them in your life. Always remember that.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Everything gets easier.......

                                                   ......over time.

But only if you put effort into it.

It could be as natural as walking.

It could be your second nature.

It could be part of you, on your everyday life.

But you have to put effort into it.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

How to be yourself again

Are you that person who`s changed a lot? That sometimes you don`t even know who you are at all? That you wish you were a little kid again because you didn`t care about what others tell you? That you act different when with someone? And because of that you`re worried that you will not find real friends or the right one?

Well, let me tell you something, IT`S NORMAL. Yup, you read it right. It`s normal. I know because I`ve experienced it myself. It lasted for a few years. And I thought I will never be myself again. Until I let go of the past, when I said past I meant past friends, past relationships, PAST LIFE. And I took risks to open up, to experience new things. I met a few new people, and they`re better than those I left in my past. Why is that? Because those people in my past are not choices. It was more of a MUST than a CHOICE. It was like, I needed to be friends with these people. But these new people, I chose to be friends with them. And with these people, I feel comfortable. I feel like I`m myself again.

So, if you think that you`re not yourself, don`t worry, you`re not doing anything wrong. You`re just with the wrong people or place. You just need to find the right people to hang out with, and the right place to do it. To be able to do that you have to let go of your past. You have to let go of those people who you thought you needed. And it`s not supposed to be hard (maybe to some, but it shouldn`t be that hard to let go of them). Then enjoy yourself, be yourself, do what you love and eventually someone will come to play, and from there, it`s up to you if you want them to be your friend. The most important thing is you`re happy and having fun. And you will know it`s you again. You`re back! Now go out there, take a risk, and experience new things!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Day 22 - How have you changed in the past 2 years?

I changed a lot and didn`t change at all. I learned a lot about life, love in the past 2 years. But I haven`t used what I learned. So I guess I didn`t really change at all. Except that, I`m still me. Even my height and weight haven`t changed in the past 2 years. :| If I ever change, it`s because it`s for the better. Changing is good. But, just like anything, not always!

What`s your purpose in life?

I`ve thought about this for at least 10 times these past few years. The other day, I was just searching about selfishness and how it is a good thing. Then suddenly, I came to realize my purpose in this world. It`s to make myself a satisfied, happy man. Some say being happy is easy if you would just think and believe that you are happy(falls on the believing category), some say it`s hard. Everyone dream of it. For me, I tried the power of belief, and yes, it works. But, it doesn`t work 100%. By that, I mean, it doesn`t last long. And sometimes, I feel like I`m just lying to myself, but then that`s not believing. So anyways, happiness is a result from something you do or did. And if my purpose is to make myself happy, then doing the things I love, things that makes me happy is what I should do... forever. Now that I know my purpose, it`s time to fulfill it. This could be everyone`s real purpose in life, you just haven`t realized it yet.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Day 21 - One of your favorite shows.

HEROES! One of the best shows out there! I hope they continue airing it though :(

Feeling like giving up?

I met this girl lately. And I kinda like her. We`ve only hanged out 3 times. The first two went pretty well. The third time, which was yesterday, didn`t really went well. I think I blew it. I thought to myself, I`ll never be good with girls. Ever. What will happen next time we hang out? I thought I should just give up. There`s my whole day today, thinking about giving her up. Then I found this quote and it made me realize that there will always be more girls out there for me to try but giving up is just unacceptable. And that messing up is part of learning. So why would I just give her up when I just messed up once? This quote made me realize that there`s so many things to do in this world, too. And messing up with something/someone shouldn`t stop you from enjoying, living your life, pursuing your dream. And that you shouldn`t give up even though everything in you is telling you to give up. Here`s the quote:
"God put me on this earth to accomplish a certain number of things. Right now I'm so far behind that I will never die."

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Day 20 - How important you think education is?

`Cuz me think was kyute. :)

So, how important do I think education is? I think education is VERY important. BUT, school is not. I think school ruins education. Why? Because the things you study in school doesn`t really help you when you grow older. The only important thing about school is making friends, communications, which you do even without going to school. School should be over after you learn how the basic manners, how to be polite, how to read and to write. I think that whether you go to school or not, you will know what you want to be when you grow up. And to pursue that, your dream, start studying about it. Because if you`re gonna be a doctor, you won`t need to learn the answer to this question:  f(x)= xy+y/27. Actually, in reality, right now, this kind of unneeded questions can ruin your future, your dream. If you fail a class, you won`t graduate. If you can`t graduate, you can`t go to college. If you don`t have a college degree, you will never get your dream job unless you`re very very rich. Plus, it`s really hard to find a job without a college degree. Unless you want to work at Mcdonald`s , which you don`t. School is important at first. To learn the basics. Then you`re on your own. That`s where the real education starts. Education on life, relationships, family, yourself, God, on everything. Life is about learning and experiencing. And that`s education. 

Friday, July 1, 2011

Commitments to yourself are good

           Starting July 1, 2011:
           Parkour everyday? Fuck yeah!
           For at least an hour? Fuck yeah!
           No excuses? FUCK YEAH!
           Is weather gonna be a problem? Fuck no!
           School, work then train? Fuck yeah!
           You sure? FUCK YEAH!
           Even at 11pm? FUCKING YEAH!
           Who can stop you? NO FUCKING ONE!
           Who`s the beast? I AM.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Keep learning. Keep moving forward.

   I hate people who you can`t depend on. The fact that I`m like that. I hate people who depend on me always. That`s just selfish of me, and hating them for not getting what I want is just ridiculous. So I figured out that from now on, I will try not to depend on anyone. Even on family. I`m not saying that I will do everything on my own, but I will just try not to ask anything from them. Because seriously, I don`t think most of them care, except for the family. And if I don`t depend on them, they won`t depend on me. That`s a win-win situation. This would be my goal for the month. And of course, to eat more! And be myself more, and enjoy life more.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

More of "we", "us". Less "I", "me"

    When I think about you us, it makes me smile.

           In a relationship or "love", we shouldn`t just think about the other person or just yourself. Otherwise, you will either get hurt or become selfish. It`s important that you think about the two of you. But before you can do that, you have to make memories with her, you need to have something between the two of you. Love often fails when the other person doesn`t feel the same way for you, when you`re the only one who`s in love. And during this state, you`ll think or treat that person like a princess, like a goddess. Like she is perfect. That`s where you start thinking just about the person and how she makes you feel. You don`t think of yourself. That`s why you get hurt. But don`t worry because that`s just in your mind, that`s just all your imagination.  And you can always change that. Change how you think, and everything will follow through. It`s not that easy? I say yes, it is if you`re willing to.

          Of course there`s a way on how not to get to that state where you think of the other person as god-like. This will take some guts and you should be prepared. When you start liking someone, keep getting to know them, hangout with them, be with them. If you`re sure that you really like this person, let her go. When I said `let go`, you don`t literally let them go. Letting someone go means that you are prepared by their answer. Which there`s only two, either a yes or a no. If she said yes, then you just made your first step to her heart. If she said no, then be cool with it, still be friends, don`t start ignoring her and accept the fact the she`s not that into you and move on. THERE`S NO OTHER WAY ON GETTING THE GIRL YOU LIKE BUT TO TELL WHAT YOU FEEL FOR HER. AND TO HAVE CONFIDENCE.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Day 19 - Disrespecting your parents.

Often. I often do. Sometimes, you just get tired, and things you don`t wanna say are coming out of your mouth. Non-stop. But I still respect them. I just get mad so fast that I shout at them. But I love them. I just need to control myself more. And understand them more.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Positive thinking

          Happiness is a state of mind. And like
            all things, it takes practice. Devote five
              minutes a day to smiling. Just smiling. And
                 after a while, it`ll come naturally.

         Sometimes, despite your best efforts otherwise,
            life will give you lemons. When that happens, you`ve
                got two choices. You can wear sour face, or
                                                 .....make lemonade.

         When one thing ends, something else begins.

Explore yourself. Express yourself.

                     Take one step at a time.
                     Life is about experiencing and learning.
                     There`s no need to rush.
                                       Take a risk everyday.
                                       Face your fear.
                                       That`s the only way you can
                                       be free.

                                  Make lots of mistakes.

                         Keep trying.
                                                Keep learning.

                           Keep improving.

                                      And you will be one hell of a man.


Day 18 - Your beliefs.

I don`t know how to answer this one. If it`s about my religion, then I`m a christian. And yes, I believe in God. But, also, I believe in myself. I think that`s about it.
   Today, I didn`t really wanna go to work.
   I argue with myself if I`m gonna go or not.
   After a while, I decided to go. I asked myself
   why should I go to work today. I need to save
   money for my college.

                   Today, I realized something very important in life.
                   If you have a goal, it`s really hard to give up.

        From now on, I`m gonna have more goals.
        Whether it be a simple goal or a really big one.
        It doesn`t matter. What matters is, to reach
        that goal.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Don`t change for anyone.

      Always show yourself to the world.

                    No one is ever the same as you.

                                                                You are enough.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Love is so crazy

Love, whether unrequited, secret or whatever kind of love, will make your life miserable at some point. -- That`s what I realized today. That even you have a perfect/happy life, when love came and it didn`t go well, everything will fall apart. Suddenly, your life sucks. Love is so crazy. I believe that without love, we are nothing. But love--it makes us miserable. It makes us fall apart. Or make us the happiest person alive and give us the best feeling we could ever have. I`ve never succeed in love. Maybe because I`m not giving my best. I want to, though. But for me, its not that easy. Maybe I should try to get rejected as much as possible. And maybe after a while, I`ll get over the fear. I don`t really know how love works, how I should do it or show it. I have no idea about love.
I wanna experience it so bad. That`s all I want. That`s all I`m asking for.

I just wanna go somewhere peaceful for a few days and think about life, love. Maybe scream a little.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

...there is no one alive who is youer than you

What a woman wants is somebody who listens to her, cares about her, goes out of his way to make her feel special. It's all about how the girl feels about HERSELF when she's around you.

They always have that "ideal" or "perfect" man that they want. But in reality, girls are simpler than we think. As long as you're not completely selfish/arrogant/needy/negative, a nice girl will be happy with a guy who provides a caring ear to listen and soft arms to snuggle with.

So go out there and get her. Talk to her. There is really no other way on getting the girl you like but to talk to her. Get to know her. Be nervous if you`re nervous. Be yourself, you`re unique. That`s what`s important and that`s what you should show to the world.

love yourself


                 stop comparing yourself to the rest of the world.
            you are a unique and special person.

  there's always something unique and special about a person, about you.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Are you about to give up?

               Giving up takes 5 seconds
                  while fighting takes a lifetime.

       In life, there`s always an easy way out,
          but it definitely won`t satisfy you, nor will make you happy.
       Instead, it will make you miserable, depressed and stressed.
              So, would you rather give up because it`s an easy way
              out and it only takes 5 seconds of your time..
              but have a miserable life?
                          Or keep fighting until the end and be happy,
                         satisfied and live your own dream? Become
                         stronger, have more confidence, and believe
                           in yourself more?

     There`s always that time that we just want to give up,
     because there`s nothing we can do. THAT`S WRONG.
     TRY. Even if we fail 1000 times, we can try 1001 times.

                      Next time you`re about to give up on something,
                        think clearly. Think of what will happen if you
                  give up and then think of the possibilities if you don`t.
                       We always have a choice. Will you fight?
                          Or will you give up?


Thursday, June 9, 2011

             My room. I love it.
            Maybe there isn`t a lot of memories here,
                 but I spend most of my evening here.
            All of the things I need are here.
                I won`t trade my room for any other room.

Oh, BTW, that`s me. Making love with my room. :)

There are couple of things I wanna introduce you in my room.

From the left wall, you can see a flag. Philippine flag. Because that`s where I came from and I think it`ll be awesome to hang it up there.

On the right is my lovely computer. Oh I love that so much! And behind it is a wall with a couple of post-it ( there`s actually more now than when I took this picture). What`s written on those post-its are things, mostly quotes, that gives me confidence, encourage me, and to make me believe in myself. I read it as much as I can everyday. And so far, it`s doing its job!

And those puzzle mats :) When I was a kid, I`ve always wanted to have one of those. Unfortunately, I didn`t get to have one. So now that I`m capable of having it, there it is! Makes the room so colorful, too. LOL

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Day 17 - Your highs and lows of this past year.

Most of my year last year was not good. I`d say 80% bad and 20% good. Lot of things happened. Not big things like someone died but, things that made me feel so lonely, sad and emotional. That was last year. This year, 2011, was a pretty good start. I promised myself that I will never be like that again, that I will change for the better. That I will be happy. And so far, it`s working. Learned a lot of things this year.

So to sum it up, 70% good and 30% bad. So far, I`m doing good this year. Had some downs lately but my ups are way higher than my downs.

Past is past. Learn from it. Start new. Start fresh. Live, laugh and love.
                                I`ve been a bad stalker.
                                At least that`s what it looks like.
                                Time to end this and start the fire
                                that should`ve been started a long time ago.
                        No more bullshit

                                                                   No more jokes

                             It`s time to be serious and get her.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

10th grade

As I sat there in English class, I stared at the girl next to me. She was my so called "best friend". I stared at her long, silky hair, and wished she was mine. But she didn't notice me like that, and I knew it. After class, she walked up to me and asked me for the notes she had missed the day before and handed them to her. She said "thanks" and gave me a kiss on the cheek. I wanted to tell her, I want her to know that I don't want to be just friends, I love her but I'm just too shy, and I don't know why.

11th grade
The phone rang. On the other end, it was her. She was in tears, mumbling on and on about how her love had broke her heart. She asked me to come over because she didn't want to be alone, so I did. As I sat next to her on the sofa, I stared at her soft eyes, wishing she was mine. After 2 hours, one Drew Barrymore movie, and three bags of chips, she decided to go to sleep. She looked at me, said "thanks" and gave me a kiss on the cheek. I want to tell her, I want her to know that I don't want to be just friends, I love her but I'm just too shy, and I don't know why.

Senior year
The day before prom she walked to my locker. My date is sick" she said; he's not going to go well, I didn't have a date, and in 7th grade, we made a promise that if neither of us had dates, we would go together just as "best friends". So we did. Prom night, after everything was over, I was standing at her front door step. I stared at her as she smiled at me and stared at me with her crystal eyes. I want her to be mine, but she isn't think of me like that, and I know it. Then she said "I had the best time, thanks!" and gave me a kiss on the cheek. I want to tell her, I want her to know that I don't want to be just friends, I love her but I'm just too shy, and I don't know why.

Graduation Day
A day passed, then a week, then a month. Before I could blink, it was graduation day. I watched as her perfect body floated like an angel up on stage to get her diploma. I wanted her to be mine, but she didn't notice me like that, and I knew it. Before everyone went home, she came to me in her smock and hat, and cried as I hugged her. Then she lifted her head from my shoulder and said, "you're my best friend, thanks" and gave me a kiss on the cheek. I want to tell her, I want her to know that I don't want to be just friends, I love her but I'm just too shy, and I don't know why.

A Few Years Later
Now I sit in the pews of the church. That girl is getting married now. I watched her say "I do" and drive off to her new life, married to another man. I wanted her to be mine, but she didn't see me like that, and I knew it. But before she drove away, she came to me and said "you came!". She said "thanks" and kissed me on the cheek. I want to tell her, I want her to know that I don't want to be just friends, I love her but I'm just too shy, and I don't know why.

Years passed, I looked down at the coffin of a girl who used to be my "best friend". At the service, they read a diary entry she had wrote in her high school years. This is what it read: I stare at him wishing he was mine, but he doesn't notice me like that, and I know it. I want to tell him, I want him to know that I don't want to be just friends, I love him but I'm just too shy, and I don't know why. I wish he would tell me he loved me!

`I wish I did too...` I thought to my self, and I cried.

*This story, true or not, wants me to go out there and tell her that I like her. The fact that I think she likes me too, I`m too shy to just go for it. But this story, this story just wants me to to right up to her and say everything I think of her.  I`m going for it. Thank you for whoever made this sad, beautiful story.

Monday, June 6, 2011

                 "IT`S NEVER TOO LATE."
     I hope people who vandalize would vandalize something that would inspire whoever sees it instead of vandalizing gang names and nonsense images.That`s when we`ll experience.....
world peace......


                                                Losers makes excuses.
                                                          Winners looks for a way.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

How to be successful

Everyone can be successful.
If you trust yourself and believe
that you can, then you can.
But that`s impossible, there
will always be someone who`s
more successful than you.
       -If you think you`re successful, you`re as successful as the other people out there.

            "It`s when you stop complaining that you will be successful."

This is the tricky part.
You will not be successful if
you wanna be successful. You
have to believe you can. In sports,
it`s easy to say we want to win. But
it`s not enough. You have to believe
that you can and will win. It`s the same on
being successful. You can`t just want it. You
have to believe you can. Then you take
action. Then it happens.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Summary of my week

             5 days of school
             7 days of work
       1 week of falling in love

One hell of a week? Could be. But not really. Wanna know why. It`s simple.
        1 week of falling in love > 5 days of school + 7 days of work

Next week`s goal: EAT MORE!

Lately, people have been telling me that I`m getting thinner. I also know that myself. And I know why! It`s cause I haven`t been eating properly. I don`t skip a meal but I only eat a little. And I`ve been eating bread only for lunch. What`s weird is, my weight isn`t changing. It`s been 55-59 kilo since 2 years ago. Haven`t changed a bit. But I`m pretty sure I`m a little fatter a year ago. I thought you get fatter when you get older?  Maybe it`s cause I`ve been working out lately, too. I don`t know. But what I know is, I`m gonna start eating more and more. HELLO FOOD!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Be thankful

                                    It`s when you stop complaining that
                                   you will find the true happiness in life.
                         Start being thankful for what you have.
                         Start to appreciate what you have right
                              now before it`s too late.

Day 16 - Your views on mainstream music.

I love music. Whether it`s popular or not. If it pleases my ear, I like already. I don`t even care about the lyrics at first. Just the sound, the beat. Then later on, the message of it. And I`m pretty sure there`s a lot of band/artist who isn`t popular but definitely have good songs. And I love discovering them!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Show yourself to the world

                   Today, I realized that I`m kind of stupid. Like on
                    simple things. I`m losing my common sense time
                  to time. And for  some weird reason, I really like
                 myself being that. I actually laughed at myself after
                  I thought about it and realized that sometimes I`m
                   really really stupid.

    I am stupid at times. And it just made me love and appreciate myself more.


                         Because I think I`m starting to be true to myself
                          and, acting the same way as I acted before but
                         this time, I`m confident with my every action.

Day 15 - Your favorite tumblrs.

I don`t really use or visit tumblr if you`re talking about the site. But I love funny cat pictures with captions in it. Something like this.

Oh after I searched that I found this one, too.

Not a funny one but I think it`s a really good picture. The cat, even he`s so small and probably weak if you look at him on the outside, sees himself as a tiger. Maybe he`s only a cat but he has a heart of a tiger, a spirit of a tiger, and a power of a tiger. As it says on the picture "what matters most is how you see yourself." If you see yourself as a confident, strong, can achieve anything person, then people will see you as that kind of person, too.

Believe in yourself as this cat believes in himself. And you will be who you want to be. Don`t ever let other people to stop you from doing what you love. Don`t ever change just because someone doesn`t like you. Be who you are, be who you want to be. And you will succeed, not only on your life, but also on other people`s lives. Believe in yourself.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

What helps me from overcoming fear

Think about this two great quotes that could help you from your deepest fear to your simplest doubt everyday.

                 "Feel as if the world is in your hands."

                                                         "Seize the day."

It will make huge impact on your life. BUT, only if you believe it will. Only if you believe you can. So it could either help you from your fears or it could be just something someone said that has no meaning for you at all. Make a choice. Choose what you think is necessary.

Day 14 - Your earliest memory.

I don`t remember most of my childhood days! It sucks. Not even my birthdays. My earliest memory would be when I think I was kindergarten, maybe 7 or 8 years old? Not even sure about that. My nanny would always bring me lunch to school. I`ll sit on that swing(bench type) with a couple of friends and we`ll eat together. I remember one time, I didn`t like the food so I made Coca-Cola as a "soup" to my rice. I thought it was funny. And that`s my earliest memory! I see pictures when I was two, three, four years old but I don`t remember any of them. Sucks!

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Day 12 - Bullet your whole day.

Because Day 11 challenge was fast, Imma do Day 12, too.

・ Woke up at 10:30
・Cleaned my room
・Went to a birthday party
・(I was gonna go and train during this time, but it didn`t happen!)
・Played billiard
・Went home
・Played CS:S! Oh, yeah.
  And yeah, that`s it.

But my normal day would be something like this:

・Stare at my crush
・Play CS:S
  Rinse and repeat. Everyday routine -- I hate them. The only fun part is staring at my crush, maybe some chitchatting, too. Though I need to talk more and entertain her, make her laugh and make her fall in love with me. Oh, yes. I`ll do my best next time! Good luck to me! Wait, I don`t believe in luck. I believe in myself, so I don`t need luck. I know I can. I believe I can. I can. Oh, I can. =D

Day 11 - Put your ipod on shuffle and write 10 songs that pop up.

Easy one. And it`s always on shuffle!

Hit the floor - Linkin Park
Wait for you - Elliot Yamin
Hollaback girl - Gwen Stefani
Forever ain`t enough - J Holiday
All star - Smash Mouth
Rollin` - Limp Bizkit
白い光 - C.B.A
Persuit of happiness - Kid Cudi
Lucky - Jason Mraz
Pop - N`sync

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Day 10 - Discuss your first love and first kiss.

I`m gonna have to skip this one. Because "it`s raining outside and I have to go." Or not :/

Let`s just talk how I want it to be. It`s really really simple.
I want to experience it with the girl I`m deeply in love with.
I don`t care where or when it will happen. Simple, right?
I`m talking about the kiss. Forget the first love,`cause
I`m not sure if I really had one or not.

More on believing

Today, I learned that the most important thing to know
in life is why life happens the way it happens. We, ourselves,
are the only one who have the power to control over our lives.
If we think/believe that our life sucks, then it will come true.
If we think/believe that we have a happy life, then we will have
a happy life. That simple.

     Life happens the way it happens because we choose it to be like that.

What`s limiting us from having the life we want is our BELIEF.
If you believe that a rabbit`s foot will bring you luck, then
you`re limiting yourself. That`s how life works. Many people
still don`t understand or believe that that`s how it works.
I`ve been trying to focus on my inner power, my thought.
I know this will take a while to understand. But as the quote
say, "Practice makes perfect." practice makes perfect!

                I would use that quote as an example. "Practice makes perfect.".
                I believe on that saying, therefore when I keep practicing and practicing,
                one day, I`m gonna perfect it. If you don`t believe that practice makes
                perfect, then you wouldn`t care practicing, and will probably believe
                that Michael Jordan, Bill Gates, etc are born with talent. And you must
                be born with talent to be like them. See the big difference there? You
                can be who you wanna be if you know how it works.

Another example. If you believe that having a rosary with you will
always keep you safe, THEN IT WILL KEEP YOU SAFE. But what if
you forgot to bring a rosary with you? Things will happen, you will get
robbed, you will be on an accident, etc. Why? Because you believed
that if you don`t have a rosary with you, you are not safe. Can you feel
the power of BELIEF? It will either free you from your fears\doubt or
imprison/limit you. It`s too powerful to stop. But you can control it. You
can make it your advantage on everything. But it will take practice. Everything
takes practice. Michael Jordan is not born to be good at basketball. Bill
Gates is not born to be good with computers. Surroundings may affect them,
but it`s all in their thoughts. MJ was once a beginner. Bill Gates probably didn`t
know how to start a computer the first time he used it.

           The only reason life didn`t worked out the way you wanted it to is so simple,
           Now don`t tell me that what if you believe that there will be $1M in your
           cabinet? Will there be? `Cause you believed?

                             What you`re trying to do there is testing the power of belief.
                             Which is not good. Because you`re looking for reasons why
                             believing won`t work. It simply means that you don`t
                            understand the power of belief. You either believe or you don`t.
I will tell you my personal experience on the power of belief.

When I had my first job(part-time job), I believed that I can do it.Guess what? My boss praised me everytime, and when the contract was over, he wants me to work for him and he`ll raise my salary. I was just only 14 back then, my dad works there, too. It was a construction job. My mom didn`t want
me to work there, because it was too dangerous and I`m too young to be working on that kind of job. But not for me. I didn`t believe that.
Since then, I believed that I`m good when it comes to work with payments\salaries. Even now. And so far, it hasn`t failed me yet.

Another one. I`ve always believe that I`m not good with girls. I have no luck on getting the girl I like. Guess what?! I`m 19 and still single. I haven`t had any relationships yet. And because of that, I accepted that I will never have luck on girls. I have reasons for that, too, or should I say, EXCUSES?

I didn`t know about the power of belief until last month or so. Now I know why this things happens.  What we think is what we`re gonna be. Change your thought, change your life. No one`s telling it`s gonna be a piece of cake. `Cause it`s not! But once we fully understand it, no one can ever stop us from achieving anything we want.

                           Are you ready to change your thought?

Friday, May 27, 2011

Day 09 - How you hope your future will be like.

As much as possible I`m trying not to worry about the future. I don`t even wanna think about it. I wanna focus on what I have right now. On what I can do, on what I can control. I don`t hope for what I want in the future. I create my future, therefore, I will be who I want to be and I will succeed on everything. BECAUSE I BELIEVE SO.

                             Let`s not hope, let`s make it happen. Believe in yourself, and
                                everything will be what you want it to be.
                                      Life is simple if you think it`s simple.
                                      Life is hard if you think it`s hard.
                                                                        Your choice.
                                            Because sometimes you just have
                                     to believe and give it a shot.

                              Then thank God for the opportunity.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Day 08 - A moment you felt the most satisfied with your life.

I was never really satisfied with my life. Even now. But the time I was most satisfied was probably 6 years ago. When I was 13 years old. It`s probably the most exciting moment of my life. Everything was going well and I don`t really have problems back then. Well, of course. I was just a kid. I`m kind of satisfied right now, too. Well, I`m trying! Good luck to me! And to all of us who`s not satisfied with life!

Friday, May 20, 2011

Power of Belief

If you`re one of the people who talks to God and asks for His help but nothing seems to change/happen, you`rea lacking of something. Maybe you believe in God, but you do believe in yourself? On what you`re capable of?

Do this task and the help you needed will come to you before you even know it.

   Think of the things you`re asking God for help, whether it be about money, relationships, your looks or personality, even the simplest thing you want God to help you with. For example, to be able to pass that math exam or to help you with your presentation tomorrow. And then you need to believe. All this things you asked help for, believe that you already received it, and it will not be long until you have it. If money isn`t coming your way, believe that it already has, if you like that girl, but you`re too shy to approach her, believe that she`s already yours, if you think you`re ugly or have a low self-esteem, tell yourself that you`re the most beautiful girl in the world and that you`re confident and believe it. If you`re worried about that math exam, believe that you`ve already passed it. And eventually, you will.

Everything you believe will come before you even know it. Once a girl founds out that she`s pregnant, she believes that one day, even after nine long months, that a baby will come. Now what she needs to do is to prepare for that day. To take care of her baby. That`s what exactly you need to do, too. You need to take action. If you believe that you`ve already received what you`re asking for, nothing can stop you from having it. A pregnant woman won`t allow any bad things happen to her baby. 

Now, next time you talk to God, don`t ask, instead thank Him as if He already gave you what you want and helped you with your problems. And it`s up to you if you`re gonna take action.

I`ve been reading a lot about the power of belief. It still confuses me and there`s some part of me that don`t believe in this. But right now, this is all I have. And I`m going to try different stuff to test this power of belief. The results are very satisfying. It will throw questions like this into your mind, Are you ready for the life you`ve always wanted? Are you?

The image above that says `click here for free quote`. Most of you probably clicked it. Why? Because it says that it will give you a free quote. You believed it. But what if it`s just an image, without the writings. Will you still click it? I doubt it. If I told you that there`s $100 bill taped to the bottom of your seat right now, would you look? Probably not unless I were Oprah Winfrey and you were sitting in my studio audience. Why didn`t you look? Maybe I broke into your house and did it like some sort of inverse burglar. Assuming your butt is still firmly attached to your chair, it`s because you didn`t believe me. But what if it were there? You`d never know. Like the fable of the Boy Who Cried Wolf, it doesn`t matter if somethings true if nobody believes it. Belief precipitates action. No belief equals no action regardless of truth.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

“faith [belief] by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead.” James 2:17
                                                    Believe. Act. Succeed.

Day 07 - Your zodiac sign and if you think it fits your personality

I`m a Taurus<3 And I never really read the horoscope section in the newspaper. But what I think is that I create my own personality. And our surroundings affects and influences it. But still, no matter how big their influences are, I still have the switch to whether I`ll let myself be influenced by them or not. And no, I don`t let my surroundings affect or influence me as much as possible. I will be who I want to be. Always.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Day 06 - Write 30 interesting facts about yourself.

1. I can speak 3 languages
2. This year will be my 6th year in high school.
3. I`m half Filipino and half Korean, but we live in Japan.
4. I don`t drink beer.
5. I used to wear hats/caps everyday. I never leave the house without wearing one(except for school).
6. I`ve never had a real, serious relationship yet.
7. I listen to the same song almost everyday but I still can not remember the lyrics. I love music but I can not sing.
8. I spend 90% of the time in our house, playing CS:S.
9. I have 2 tattoos I made all by myself.
10. Of all the games I`ve played in Play Station, RE3 is the only one I finished.
11. When i was 13, I had my first kiss lol jk when i was 13, I found A LOT of money on the street and gave it to the guy closest to me, thinking it was his.
12. Me and 2 of my friends were almost got beaten up by 50+ iskwaterzz
13. I`ve been living here in Japan for almost 3 years and haven`t been to Tokyo Disney Land!
14. I used to shoplift. A lot.
15. I skipped school(grade 2 or 3) because i had to poop and I did not like our school`s toilet so I went home in a hurry, just to find out that no one was there and the door is locked. Not having a choice, I pooped outside. After cleaning, I did not know what to do with the poop until our dog starts licking it. Everything.
16. I`ve smoked legal weed.
17. I love cats
18. I blush a lot when I`m talking to the girl I really like.
19. I always want my room clean.
20. I`m a very talkative person. I won`t shut up. That is only if we`re close friends.
21. I believe in God.
22. I`m only 19 but I stopped growing 2 years ago! I`m 5`5
23. I love FML stories!
24. I love collecting stuffs. Things that you might think is a trash.
25. I care about what others think of me. A lot.
26. I just started to learn about the power of belief. And it`s kind of helping in some weird way.
27. I love food. And I really wanna learn how to cook.
28. I`ve thought about committing suicide before.
29. Movies influences my life!

I`ll leave number 30 for someone to tell something they know about me.